Sunday, June 26, 2011

Taoism - Ancient Wisdom

To be whole, let yourself break.
To be straight, let yourself bend.
To be full, let yourself be empty.
To be new, let yourself wear out.
To have everything, give everything up.

Knowing others is a kind of knowledge;
knowing yourself is wisdom.
Conquering others requires strength;
conquering yourself is true power.
To realize that you have enough is true wealth.
Pushing ahead may succeed,
but staying put brings endurance.
Die without perishing, and find the eternal.

To know that you do not know is strength.
Not knowing that you do not know is a sickness.
The cure begins with the recognition of the sickness.

Knowing what is permanent: enlightenment.
Not knowing what is permanent: disaster.
Knowing what is permanent opens the mind.
Open mind, open heart.
Open heart, magnanimity.

How true and easy to follow. A little we know that the way we think or negatively react can be changed by looking at the other side of the coin. Both sides are interrelated and branches of the same tree, however, what is important that if we want to change we must see and learn from the other side of the coin. Taoism explains it so well.

We try to wear a mask to cover our vulnerabilities, our true self and our real person that we do not want to share with others..that separates us from being real, vulnerable but that is what makes us more open to be accepted, more open to be receptive of allowing others to come inside our real self. We were not born this way, however, we condition ourselves to protect so we do not get ashamed in front of others or face the social stigma of being named by our vulnerabilities. If we are overcome these vulnerabilities, we need to learn to be open and honest about them, that would be the only way to change ourselves.

Why to hide? Revealing one's vulnerability, can make one a bigger person and a better person, a more enriched person, a more connected person. 

I guess in a way vulnerability is required for any meaningful connection in life. Yes, there can be some degree of risk that one may face but it is still needed to achieve any kind of growth, that may be love, relationship, friendship, personal, financial, or social.
Appreciate your thoughts and comments

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