Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hare turns into a Tortoise....

6 mi 00:55 09:09 pace

Today I had a 6 mile run at Baylands park in Sunnyvale. Had a great run as I changed my running style a bit and felt extremely good. I read somewhere today a few things about running and followings struck a chord and I thought I will try them;

- Do not stretch before run - logic is that muscles are cold and stretching them is not a good and will not help in running and chances are that you may damage them. So today I did not stretch before running

- Run at a slow pace even though when you know that you can run faster - now this has been my problem, I have tendency to run faster. It's funny, today I really understood the real moral of the Aesop's tale of Hare and a Tortoise. Lol. I used to get tired like the hare and kept on taking breaks, running out of breath. However, my today's run was like a tortoise and believe me today I ran continuously 4 1/2 miles without break, even that I took thinking maybe I should stretch a bit. After about 5 minutes stretch I ran again all the way to start point. I did not have out of breath feelings, my legs were not that achy or painful

- Last tip I used, after run I took a cold shower, as cold as I could handle it. Whatever little bit pain I had disappeared.

I do not know as how many of you have similar struggle. If you do , try but I enjoyed. Maybe it will help you as it did for me.

Guess what, my running average by time also turned out to be even better. :)

Happy Running

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